Saturday, February 12, 2011

Baby Anderson!


We're 7 weeks pregnant! Suddenly, obsessing over wedding details is taking a back seat. We’re having a baby! How exciting! It's our first child and we are beaming with joy. What comes first? The name? Parenting discussions? Designs for the nursery? We don’t even know where to begin. So the most sensible thing for us to do is start educating ourselves on what is actually happening to my body and what to expect over the next 33 weeks.

So far, my pregnancy is pretty easy. No morning sickness (knock on wood), although, I do feel nauseous pretty often. I was cramping a lot 2 weeks ago and went to the ER and got to see the baby's heartbeat. Now THAT was wild. The entire area was black, and then there was this flickering light that looked like a star. The lab tech said- that’s your baby’s heartbeat. It’s going about 165 times per minute. Everything looks fine, it’s not ectopic. But you do have a ruptured ovarian cyst- which is very normal and will most likely just go away. That explains the cramping.
What a relief. Never before had I felt the possibility that a malfunction in my body could potentially be so impactful. That was in week 5.

Our due date is September 29,2011. Seems so far away but I’m glad it gives us time to prepare. There is already so much love for this little baby and we are determined to be the best parents we can be. There's a LOT to learn. The most beautiful thing to come out of all of this is our bond getting stronger than ever. Our relationship is a cement block that cannot be penetrated and we are both fully aware of what is happening, we are being blessed. It’s quite beautiful considering we were both pretty wild in just the months before we met each other! Now we are going to be parents and get married all in a short amount of time. Please keep us in your prayers and continue to send us love and positivity.

Let the planning begin!


We've only been engaged for a few weeks not and things seem to be falling into place quite well. I think I know the location and am working on a theme! Needless to say I have been a little obsessive over this… LOL.

So we are creating this blog to tack a year of wedding planning and fundraising. Who the hell is going to want to read this blog for a full year? Hopefully, anyone who cares for us and has been a part of our relationship. But particularly those who are far away and we cant see as often as we would like.

Some people would say it’s tacky to raise money for a wedding or honeymoon. That it breaks tradition to ask other people to help us pay for something that is entirely our decision. I would tell those people to go ahead and buy us a blender or some useless appliance for our wedding so we can sell it on craigslist. Kidding! But, not so much.

Seriously, studies show that the gift that really keeps on giving is the gift of experience. So we've decided that we would much rather share out honeymoon experience with our friends and family, than receive dozens of kitchen appliances and picture frames. God has blessed us with everything we really need in life. But this is our one and only honeymoon and we want it to kick ass. As soon as we decide where we are going, we'll make an itinerary and our friends will be able to buy us dinner, pay for a tour or a night on the town. We’ll take pictures and send them to you so you can share the experience with us and really see how your gift has impacted our life forever. We cant wait to share this experience with all of you. Please keep us in your prayers and continue to be the wonderful people you are.